• サーキュラーエコノミー本部
  • リバースサプライチェーン事業部
  • ELV Business Promotion Group, Toyotsu Materials Corporation
  • Power Kit "Re-Q"
サーキュラーエコノミー本部 リバースサプライチェーン事業部 Power Kit "Re-Q"
ELV Business Promotion Group, Toyotsu Materials Corporation

No worries if you are prepared
~ Transform your car into a "moving power supply" ~

Supplying electricity to as many people as possible with the power kit "Re-Q"

In recent years, with the frequent occurrence of unprecedented disasters in Japan, securing power supply during disasters has become a major issue.
By equipping your vehicle with the power supply kit "Re-Q", you can implement safe and secure BCP measures even in the event of a disaster.

Click here for product introduction video

Four features of Re-Q: easy, easy, easy, plenty

With the Prius 30 series, you can use your car as a "moving power supply" as long as you have gasoline.

(1) Easy: Reasonably priced and usually usable as a vehicle
(2) Easy: No regular maintenance required! One-touch use without tools, can be installed in about 1 minute
③ Rakuchin: Large power of up to 3 kW. Electricity can be used for 1 to 3 days with one refueling!
④ Plenty: The Re-Q body can be carried by one person! No need to lubricate the Re-Q body. Just refuel your vehicle

thoughts of those involved

Q1. "What is the background to the development of the power kit Re-Q?"
A1. In the midst of the frequent disasters in recent years, we started looking into this at the end of 2019, based on the idea that we could contribute to society by making good use of HVs, which are in widespread use, and supplying electricity as Strengths of the Toyota Group. did.

Q2. "What are your thoughts on this product?"
A2. We are manufacturing with the desire to help as many people as possible in the event of a disaster.
In addition, we believe that this product can realize the appeal of SDGs Goal 11, “Sustainable urban development” and Goal 12, “Responsible production and consumption.”

Q3. "How do you want this product to spread?"
A3. By installing it in your current car, you can use it as a normal car, and in the event of a disaster, you can use your own car to communicate with the community. We believe that we can contribute to the realization of Philosophy of mutual assistance.

Photo: A press release was issued on March 22, 2021. For more details, please click here.

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