President and CEO Ichiro KashitaniPresident and CEO Ichiro Kashitani
Managing director
Ichiro Kashitani

Solidify your footing and take on new challenges

Toyota Tsusho is now embarking on a new challenge to realize a sustainable society. In addition to promoting carbon neutrality and a circular economy, we are also working to resolve local social issues in developing countries, including Africa, by improving living infrastructure, promoting industry, and creating jobs. As we continue to take on these challenges, we believe it is important to once again reaffirm our "Toyota Tsusho’s distinctive traits" and further evolve towards the next stage.

Message 02

Opening up the future one step ahead

One of the aspects of Toyota Tsusho’s distinctive traits that we must never forget is to visit our customers' sites, view issues from the same perspective, and continue to be their partner as we work together to challenge the future.
While continuing to cherish this role, we would like to evolve even further and aim to be a presence that can open up a path to a new world.
Read the winds of change, respond proactively, and create new added value. Our goal is for our customers and partners to see us and think, ``We want to move towards that future together.''


The key to the future is "dialogue".
Don't forget to be willing to learn

For this kind of evolution, what I want to emphasize above all else is "dialogue." Dialogue is the best tool to connect people and create chemical reactions. I would like to become an organization that can directly communicate with a diverse range of people across boundaries, both inside and outside the company.
And when engaging in dialogue, we must not forget the attitude of learning from the other party. I started holding "dialogue sessions" with young employees in 2021, and have held them with about 70 people so far. We talk directly with each person and ask them to freely talk about everything from their recent interests to the apps they usually use. As a result, you will discover many things that you didn't know before, and the moment you leave the conference room, you will be inspired to do something new, thinking, ``Let's do it now!'' You will gradually come to understand the way of thinking of a generation different from your own.

Message 04

Invisible connections
The importance of noticing

If I notice something in a conversation, I look it up right away and order related books before I forget. Thanks to this, I am constantly accumulating readings, and it's strange because the things that catch my eye are always somehow connected to my past or other interests. It's similar to collecting antiques. Attracted by an item in the corner of an antique store display, you step into the store and find more and more things you like. I'm sure you all have had the experience of connecting your interests.
In fact, this also applies to work. My work is somehow directly connected to the entire group, our customers, and society. Once you have this awareness, your approach to work will definitely change dramatically.


If you want to know someone more,
they will think the same to you.

Lastly, I would like to offer my own advice on dialogue, albeit without pretense. I often hear people complaining that they can't express themselves well, but what I always try to do is not try to force myself to express myself. Instead, I try to engage in dialogue with the intention of trying to understand the other person and get them to talk. I would be the happiest if you could say, ``I've only talked about myself today, so please come see me again and tell me about yourself next.''
I believe that active interaction with stakeholders is a necessary condition for a company to create new value and grow sustainably. We hope that you will use TOYOTSU FACES as an opportunity for dialogue.
Please look forward to the possibilities of Toyota Tsusho that will emerge from this dialogue.

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Enjoy yourself

“Each of you are the leader in your life,
The leader of Toyotsu”

No matter what kind of work you do, you are a valuable supporter of Toyotsu. I hope that each one of you undertakes the work in front of you, being aware that you are the leading role of your own life and that of Toyotsu.